The Dr. Edward B. Shils Entrepreneurial Fund, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to innovative leadership in health care and named after the late Dr. Edward B. Shils, held its virtual 2020 Shils Awards ceremony on October 13th. The Shils Awards are given annually to recognize individuals, organizations and programs that have made significant positive impacts on the oral health community and the health of the public.
Innovator Awards
Richard W. Valachovic, DMD, MPH, ADEA President (Retired)
Excellence in Academia Award
“In recognition for your successful stewardship of ADEA and your lifelong commitment of strengthening
and expanding dental education in the United States and throughout the world.”
Robert Ganley, Former CEO, Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc.
Excellence in Industry Award
“In recognition for your outstanding leadership of Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc. and its innovative research and product development programs to help the dental profession improve the quality of care for its patients.”
Eve Cuny, RDA, MS and Kathy Eklund, RDH, MHP
Excellence in a Nonprofit Organization Award
“In recognition of your lifelong commitment to education of the dental community, and OSAP, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.”
Blake M. Warner, DDS, PhD, MPS, Assistant Clinical Investigator, National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research
Shils Innovator Award for Research
“In recognition of your ground-breaking studies in the NIH Clinical Center that is central to the COVID-19 pandemic and its mitigation.”
Special Recognition Awards
Timothy L. Ricks, DMD, MPH, FICD, Rear Admiral (RADM), Assistant Surgeon General, Chief Dental Officer, U.S. Public Health Service
“In recognition for your leadership and stewardship of creating an oral health collaborative for the public and private sectors of the oral health community during the Covid-19 pandemic. Your selfless leadership helped facilitate building an innovative network between government agencies and public/private organizations for programs, information, and relationships that improved the oral health community’s ability to provide safe and effective emergency services at the most critical period of the disease’s impact on our country.”
Cohen-Volpe Award Winner
Dan Perkins, Owner/CEO, Aegis
“In recognition for your championing of the importance of oral health in its own right and as part of its vital role in
primary care for the professional teams and the public. In addition, your close association with both Dr.
Cohen and Dr. Volpe and your appreciation and publishing of their important contributions, make you an
ideal recipient of this special recognition award.”
Shils Meskin Award
Dr. Michael Alfano, Professor, Dean & Executive Vice President Emeritus of NYU
“In recognition for your exceptional leadership and expertise as a researcher, educator, author, business executive, academic leader and international thought leader for over 4 decades. Having known and worked with Dr. Edward Shils and fellow Santa Fe Group co-founder, Dr. Larry Meskin, you are uniquely qualified for this special recognition.”
Additionally, this year we had the special opportunity to recognize Shirley Shils, Dr. Edward B. Shils’ wife for over 70 years, as she celebrates her 100th birthday!