Recognizing, Cultivating, and Connecting
the Next Generation of Oral Healthcare Entrepreneurs to Advance Oral Health.
The Shils Great Oral Health Pitch Program Returns to New York!
The anticipation is building as we gear up for our second annual Great Oral Health Pitch event, taking place in Chicago on Saturday, February 22, 2025!. Coinciding with the prestigious Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting, The Great Oral Health Pitch is looking for the next generations of healthcare and oral innovators and entrepreneurs.
Whether you are an entrepreneur with a brand-new idea or have been working on an invention for years, if you need support turning your creative concepts into a concise business plan, The Great Oral Health Pitch is for YOU!
Recognize, develop and connect innovative health care entrepreneurs to industry leaders to advance oral health and its impact on overall health.
About the Shils Fund
The Dr. Edward B. Shils Entrepreneurial Fund (The Shils Fund), named after the late Dr. Edward B. Shils, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to innovative approaches and entrepreneurial leadership to advance oral health.