Special Recognition Award Winner
Dr. Alejandro Roisentul
Dr. Alejandro Roisentul is head of the department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery at the Ziv Hospital in Tsfat Israel. He received his dental degree as a surgeon from Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since 2012, he has been a Clinical Instructor, Faculty of Medicine at Bar Ilan University in Israel. Dr. Roisentul is Past President of the Israeli Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeions (IAOMFS), and is a member of the Israel Dental Association, Israel Medical Association, American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, and International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Dr. Roisentul has several publications including the Israeli Dental Hygienist Journal, Israeli and Medical Journal.
Shils Award
Dr. Kathryn Kell
Dr. Kell has been chosen as a recipient of a 2017 Shils Award for her remarkable contributions to advancing oral health through her efforts and leadership in the FDI World Dental Federation.
Dr. Kathryn Kell received her BA from the University of Iowa (UI) in 1974 and her DDS in 1979. After graduation, Dr. Kell joined Dr. R.C. Wienert’s private practice in Davenport. When Dr. Wienert retired, her new practice associate became Dr. C.F. Barrett. Since 1995, Dr. Kell has had her own private practice. As a result of volunteering, Dr. Kell pursued an MA in health care administration because she wanted to become more involved with health care. She received her degree from St. Ambrose University in 1979. Since then, Kathryn Kell has been closely involved with the Federation Dentaire International (FDI), an organization of nearly 200 worldwide dental associations and specialist groups. As one of the oldest health profession groups in the world, it represents more than 1 million dentists internationally and strives to develop health policy and continuing education programs and supports the oral health promotion efforts of member associations. Dr. Kell currently serves as President-Elect for the FDI and is a member of the FDI Executive Committee. She is a past FDI Treasurer and a Council member as the liaison for North America, a former chair of the FDI’s Education Committee, and she has served on the FDI Science Committee and the FDI Strategic Planning sessions.
Dr. Kell is also involved with the American Dental Association (ADA), is an avid University of Iowa and UI College of Dentistry supporter, values education and research, and is a member of the American College of Dentists, the International College of Dentists, the Academy of Dentistry International, the American Association of Health Care Executives, Delta Mu Delta Honorary Society, and is a member of the Pierre Fauchaud Academy. She is a past president of both the Iowa Dental Association and the American Association of Women Dentists (AAWD). In 2007, Dr. Kell received the Lucy Hobbs Taylor Women Dentist of the Year Award.
Alpha Omega International Dental Fraternity
The Alpha Omega International Dental Fraternity has been chosen as a recipient of a 2017 Shils Award for their tremendous efforts in advocacy for Holocaust Survivors in particular respect to the Alpha Omega-Henry Schein Cares Holocaust Survivors Oral Health Program.
The Alpha Omega International Dental Fraternity (AO) is the oldest international Jewish dental and medical organization. Founded in 1907 at the University of Maryland School of Dental Medicine, AO has expanded into an international community of professionals who are guided by its mission to enhance the dental profession and lives of dental professionals worldwide by promoting and supporting ideals of global oral health, education, and the bonds of fraternity.
With over 100 alumni and student chapters in 10 countries, AO members embrace the spirit of Tikkun Olam, or healing the world through charitable endeavors. As healers, our members strive to make their communities better.
Henry Schein Cares
Henry Schein Cares has been chosen as a recipient of a 2017 Shils Award for their tremendous efforts in advocacy for Holocaust Survivors in particular respect to the Alpha Omega-Henry Schein Cares Holocaust Survivors Oral Health Program.
Henry Schein Cares stands on four pillars: engaging Team Schein Members to reach their potential, ensuring accountability by extending ethical business practices to all levels within Henry Schein, promoting environmental sustainability, and expanding access to health care for underserved and at-risk communities around the world. Health care activities supported by Henry Schein Cares focus on three main areas: advancing wellness, building capacity in the delivery of health care services, and assisting in emergency preparedness and relief.
Firmly rooted in a deep commitment to social responsibility and the concept of enlightened self-interest championed by Benjamin Franklin, the philosophy behind Henry Schein Cares is a vision of “doing well by doing good.” Through the work of Henry Schein Cares to enhance access to care for those in need, the company believes that it is furthering its long-term success.
Town & Country Dental Studios
Town & Country Dental Studios has been chosen as a recipient of a 2017 Shils Award for their outstanding philanthropic efforts to help the oral health care needs of Holocaust Survivors in particular respect to the Alpha Omega-Henry Schein Cares Holocaust Survivors Oral Health Program.
Town & Country Dental Studios began offering Dental Laboratory services in 1962. After Barry Lampert, CDT left the Army in 1957; he worked for a Dental Lab in NYC. A few years later he and a partner decided to open their own dental lab and moved out to Long Island. They finally settled in Freeport, NY and have now been there for over 50 years. Around 1990, his sons, David and Steven joined the business and they now oversee one of the largest and most advanced dental labs in the country.
Town & Country is known for superior service and a high dedication to customer satisfaction. They are also known for the long tenure of their staff, many of which have been with the company more than 20 years. As leaders in technology, Town & Country has the latest scanning, milling and 3d printing technologies on premises and regularly meets with other advanced dental labs and vendors to research and embrace new and emerging opportunities.
Equally important, Town & Country has always believed that giving back to those in need of dental care is critical and necessary. Over the course of any year they donate their services to such organizations as AO-Henry Schein Holocaust Survivors program, Donated Dental Services, Oral Health America, and support numerous clients when they treat needy patients with no cost products and services. These principles are at the foundation of their continued success.
Cohen-Volpe Award Winner
Mr. Steven W. Kess
Mr. Steven W. Kess is the Vice President of Global Professional Relations for Henry Schein, Inc., excels in forging public-private partnerships to address complex global health issues, such as advancing access to care through wellness, prevention and treatment programs; strengthening emergency preparedness and relief; and building health care capacity. In this catalyst role, Mr. Kess conceives and advances innovative solutions that provide benefits to multiple stakeholders, shepherding these solutions from conceptualization to effective implementation.
Mr. Kess serves as the Founding President of the Henry Schein Cares Foundation, Inc. He has served on the boards of numerous oral health and educational institutions, and is the recipient of many prestigious awards recognizing his career of helping to advance the dental profession and the oral health of the public.